Why Live BOLD?

The Live BOLD Method™ guides you to reclaim your peace, purpose & potential. 

We created The Live BOLD Method™ after witnessing many struggle with anxiety, isolation & feeling like they were losing themselves during major life transitions (myself included!).

The Live BOLD Method™ provides the essential tools needed to create CALM in chaos, face change with CONFIDENCE & uncover COURAGE to transform your life.

The Live BOLD Method™ is more than a blueprint to balance. 

It’s a lifestyle for driven individuals ready to break free from fear and live fulfilling lives NOW. The Live BOLD Method™ gives you a structure to rest in when shit hits the fan, a path back to your true Self, and accountability to Live BOLD in every aspect of your life.

Get Started today and claim your life of peace, purpose & potential.

Meet Your Coach

Danielle YoungSmith is the creator of The Live BOLD Method™, a lifestyle for deep & driven individuals ready to find freedom from fear.

As a trauma-informed Life Transition Guide, Danielle empowers individuals to reclaim their peace, purpose & potential. Through her work, Danielle teaches the essential tools and mindset shifts needed to create CALM in chaos, face change with CONFIDENCE & uncover COURAGE to transform your life. Danielle is the founder of Inner i Wellness and the host of the Inner Space podcast. 

  • Danielle has given me the tools and techniques to slow down, process, evaluate, let go, and rediscover who I'm meant to be.

    Melisa P.

  • Mahalo again for bringing me back to who I was meant to be!

    Bernadette S.

  • I am learning to not be afraid.

    Niki T.

  • My anxiety and sleep improve after sessions with Danielle.

    Julia D.

  • Woke up at 4am with anger and anxiety… did our practice and fell back asleep peacefully.

    Nargis K.

  • Danielle helped me move a mountain off my shoulders.

    Brooke B.

Certifications & Qualifications

Certified Life Coach • Rise 2 Realize Coaching School

Certified 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Instructor • Nandi Yoga

Trauma-Informed Yoga Instructor • The Art of Yoga Project

Restorative, Yin, and Yoga Nidra Instructor •. Nandi Yoga

Reiki Healer I/II • Rise 2 Realize

Published Meditation Teacher • Insight Timer

Additional Teachers & Influences


The Hoffman Process

Self-Realization Fellowship

Vipassana Meditation

Metta Method

Dare to Live BOLD.


Sue Choi Yoga
Heart-centered Business Insurance